Website Audits Online Reality Check

The role of websites has evolved from that of static display to active participant. Today’s businesses want websites to be dynamic and engaging, actively driving the sales and branding process. Which means your existing website might need an update. Think about it: If the content on your site isn’t relevant to today’s customer, easily navigated, chock full of content your customers are seeking, and actively producing sales leads, you might need an outside party to take a look. That’s us.

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Clarifying Site Goals: Get back to basics

We can help you set key metrics for your site that link directly back to your business goals. If you want your sales force to close more sales, we can set your site up to give them more leads. Do you want customers to get basic information and then call for more? We have strategies to make good things happen.

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Aligning Content & Audience

We take the time to understand your prime audiences and their needs. Then, we look at the content on your existing site to see if it is appropriate. If you have a technical audience + no technical content = problem. We look for gaps and fill them.

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UX Analysis: Streamlining the experience.

Let’s say your website does have content that is useful for your audience. How many clicks does it take them to get to it? Is the user experience frustrating in any way? Our goal is keep you from being a navigation casualty.

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Traffic Analysis: Dissecting the data

Do you know who is coming to your site? What key words brought them there? What they do when they get there? What content they look at? For how long? If not, we can take a look at your analytics and consider whether you’re reaching the right people in the right ways.

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Actionable Reports

A report from Google Analytics is so full of data, sliced and diced in so many ways, it can be hard to digest, and harder still to act upon. Even when you understand the numbers, there’s no context – are they good or bad? How do you improve upon them? Our audits include a full report of actionable steps that will help you see better results from your site.

Want to find out how your site is performing?

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