Roll out new products and technologies with total confidence.

Talk to us when:
  • Internal stakeholder input
    Why this product? Why now?
  • Independent product research
    Would clients value it? Is there demand?
  • Market studies
    What’s driving purchases in the industry?
  • Competitive landscape
    Is your product as novel as you think?
  • Target market segmentation
    Who is mostly likely to buy it?
  • Product positioning statements
    How do you talk about it to appeal to potential buyers?
  • Marketing tactics
    Where do you get the best bang for your buck?

Prepare for a thorough test of your thinking.

Pennebaker’s New Product Positioning Workshop involves a series of strategic marketing activities to help you launch your new product or technology with confidence. We need to understand what led your team to believe in your concept in the first place and how it stands up against anything else already in the marketplace.

Only then can we validate your go-to-market plan with intelligent, cost-effective recommendations.

The process is justifiably rigorous. The stakes are too high for anything less.

The art and science of new product positioning

Pennebaker’s New Product Positioning Workshop is an intensive three-day event designed to evaluate your new product or technology from every possible angle.

It begins with a session with your key team members as we work to discover the business reasons for launching your new product or technology. We challenge you to think from a different perspective – your potential customers’ – to make sure your new product warrants the investment required to succeed.

We also conduct our own research, again to verify assumptions and determine viability in the marketplace. Our goal is to help your company make intelligent decisions, based on concrete, real-world facts, and if that means steering you in a completely different direction, so be it.

At the conclusion of the process, we present you with a playbook that includes very specific product positioning, including segmented potential buyers, an elevator speech and marketing tactics based on your input and our extensive independent industry research.

As a separate, but critical, part of the process, we offer a proprietary iSight® pricing strategy workshop to help you set a realistic price—very often much higher than your team may have imagined.

Lunch & Learn

Hungry for more?

You may qualify for a Lunch & Learn on us for you and your team. Schedule Lunch and Learn