
The need

Outperform is a business conference held by AI SaaS solutions company PROS. Each year their clients and prospective clients gather to understand how they can get better results by embracing the growing digital transformation movement. Their goal is simple—take businesses to the next level and help clients make more money using technology and digital pricing algorithms. Their idea was new age, modern and innovative. Their conference aesthetic—not so much.

The thinking

So how to go from old school to new age? The product was there, but the old-fashioned business conference materials heavy on stock images, cliché language and business-speak didn’t inspire or engage. We had already updated PROS identity to be more modern and contemporary, and then we turned our attention to their big event. We needed to help people understand the impact and exponential growth the could happen as a result of attending the Outperform conference.

The idea

To give Outperform a more modern look, we created a suite of minimalist but very expressive brand elements beginning with the event logo and moving on to use that same basic idea for a fresher color palette that spoke to the benefit the conference provided—digital innovation. In addition to the logo, we designed emails, conference materials, programs and giveaways with a lighter, modern feel worthy of PROS progressive approach.

Outperform-badge Outperform-presentation Outperform-objects Outperform-brochure Outperform-banners
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