
The Need

Crystaphase is a supplier of reactor solutions for the hydroprocessing industry that had grown too fast—exponentially outpacing its own message. It desperately needed a brand story. They asked Pennebaker for help aligning their brand with their business goal, which was to leverage their reputation and expertise instead of promoting their product catalog.

The Thinking

It’s complicated—What happens inside a reactor, that is. It’s called catalyst optimization, and for 25 years, Crystaphase had helped refining, petrochemical, and chemical plants worldwide achieve unprecedented reactor performance. They did so by mastering a highly specialized science and developing many amazing products. More often than not, customers would associate the company with the products it sold than the name it went by. We needed to make things simpler.

The Idea

Our strategy was to simplify the language of the science. Distill everything down to the simple proposition of performance. And communicate that in a message that was clear, relevant, and believable. We wanted to emphasize that there is math behind the magic and structure behind the chaos. The new logo embodied these dichotomies. We updated the website, collateral, video and identity to follow the same clear, simple and serious approach.






Crys Business Card

Crys Brand Id


Is your path to performance unclear? Let's talk about that.
