And the Winner of My Favorite Website Goes to? (warning - site contains explicit language)
What’s my favorite website? My favorite website is one based on an oft-used template complete with the same stock photos, buttons, and architecture and they get their point across in a well, interesting way. There are many websites that I like to frequent for reference, to substantiate ideas, and to compare but one that I continually go to for a laugh is It’s a site that through light sarcasm, hones in on the approach of that when developing a website, be creative and above else, don’t be like everyone else… don’t be boring.
Essentially, it’s a website’s play on a website. Though the language is a bit coarse at times, it’s laugh-out-loud funny, relatable, and the tone is jarring shake-you-back-to-life. The points are well-thought out, and likely well-taken from many companies and industries with all coming to the conclusion: don’t make the same website you've seen ten million times before.