Apr 26, 2024

The Pennternship Program

Seeking two designers, a copywriter, and a project manager for our three-month Pennternship Program.
By Pennebaker

The Pennternship Program is Pennebaker's three-month-long initiative to give interns work they can proudly showcase on their portfolios and to their peers. Based on our official color, we're looking for an intern team of purple pupils this summer: two talented designers, a skilled copywriter, and a project manager.

Remote and local applicants are welcome.

Internship Benefits

  1. Career Experience

    Combine forces with professionals from diverse backgrounds in design and marketing to get first-hand experience working with big clients and learn industry-specific knowledge.

  2. Professional Development

    Expand your portfolio while developing important communication, teamwork, and time management skills. Plus, you’ll build a network of contacts for future opportunities.

  3. Personal Growth

    You’ll build a sense of unity with large and small teams to expand your horizons and take on challenges outside your comfort zone. As a result, your confidence in receiving feedback from colleagues will improve.

The Intern Dream Team

Two designers, one copywriter, and one project manager.
You’ll work together to complete an intern project and alongside mentors to assist with Pennebaker client projects. At the end of the program, you’ll have pieces to put in your portfolio and the title of a purple protégé.

  • Designers
    You see more than just colors and shapes; you understand the reasons behind them, the intentions in every angle, and the impact of every detail. You go above and beyond to make every detail as perfect as possible. It’s more than just creating; it’s about ideating and conceptualizing campaigns with creative flair and skill.
  • Copywriter
    You wield a mastery of language that few possess. You can come up with the concept, help execute it, revise it, revise it again, and then present it in an engaging and entertaining manner before revising it again. E-mails, social posts, brand guides, web copy, random creative concepts—you’ll do it all! Bring your personal flair while balancing client voices.
  • Project Manager
    Sometimes, navigating a project can feel like traversing a maze, but project managers are the skilled guides who ensure every project ends up amazing. They collaborate closely with clients, creatives, and vendors, fostering teamwork and ensuring projects meet deadlines and exceed expectations.

Important Info

  • Duration
    Three months: June - August
    Deadline to apply: May 15th
    • Compensation
      We pay in experience… and, of course, fair wages! This is a paid internship.
    • Location
      We search far and wide for the best of the best. If you’re in Houston, you're welcome to the office. If you're remote, don’t sweat it; we’re very adaptable.

    A Bit About You

    You’re a student hungry for something more than dorm room ramen. You crave real-world experience. You tackle challenges with a grin, relish collaboration, and bring a fresh perspective to every project. If you're passionate and seeking a place to sharpen your skills, allow us to be your whetstone.

    Below are some of our work ethic requirements:

    1. Have the ability to clearly communicate ideas

    2. Be open to learning and teaching

    3. Demonstrate strong craft with attention to detail

    4. Bring a sunny disposition every day, rain or shine

    A Bit About Us

    We are a 40-year-old branding and marketing communications firm that helps businesses grow, change, and prosper.

    • Office Is Where The Heart Is.
      Nestled in Houston's Heights area, our office is the hub for award-winning communications for high-end clients.
    • Key To Communication
      Our unique approach to branding starts with a targeted strategy before implementing the most effective communications for our clients.
    • Friendly Faces
      We like to have fun at work. We love sharing photos of our pets and talking about our favorite music. Our team hails from all across the country and from different backgrounds. If you want to learn more about the people you’ll be working with, visit the About page.

    Interns Past Experiences

    “During my time as a Pennebaker intern, I gained a lot of knowledge. I was fortunate enough to be on location for a video production shoot, allowing me to closely observe seasoned professionals. This experience allowed me to grasp the technical aspects of video creation and the importance of communication skills in client interactions and project planning from beginning to end.”

    Sophia L.

    “Interning at Pennebaker was a comprehensive and eye-opening experience. With the guidance of exemplary mentors, it was more than just learning how to design better and honing technical skills; it was learning to step back and realize what opportunities I have at my disposal if I choose to explore them.”

    Jessy M.

    “As a design intern at Pennebaker, each day brought a new opportunity to learn and create. Collaborating with other designers on various projects helped me improve my graphic design, responsive UX design, and environmental design abilities. They were always willing to help and provide constructive feedback, which greatly contributed to my development of a keen eye for details and aesthetics. Working alongside them has been a priceless opportunity to learn and grow. I am grateful for their guidance and mentorship. ”

    Yebin S.

    What’s Next?

    If we’ve piqued your interest, please email intern@pennebaker.com and include a link to your portfolio or website with either "Designer, Copywriter, or Project Manager Internship | Summer 2024" in the email title. If you do not have a portfolio, please include some work samples. A resume is not mandatory but is helpful.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

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